A repairer’s foremost mentality is to be led by God. Repairers just don’t make God their Lead but also, their shepherd relying on Him for everything so He can make everything to work. Apparently, God will not lead who does not accept to be lead. As a matter of fact, it had always been God’s principle in the sense that, if He can’t lead you in everything then he can’t lead you in anything and this is exactly how God thinks. If He cannot be your Lord of all, then He doesn’t want to be your Lord at all. A repairer’s mentality
Pastor Triumphant Obamoh gave an account of such leading which occurred when as a young graduate fresh from the university, he got to his department and observed that Consultants were deprived of Information Counselling units for seminars. He approached his Medical Director to grant him permission to set up the unit without asking for any support from the hospital. Permission was granted. The repairer’s mentality in him got to work as he gathered a few of his colleagues, disposed of old files dumped in an office, got the place painted, made arrangements for medical books, got partners from Drug agencies, international agencies, and commenced training, seminars. In no time, a Drug Information Counselling Unit was established in University Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, West Africa in Nigeria with his personal funding, and guess what? He handed it over to the Hospital with no demand for anything.
A repairer’s mentality is building, fixing, observe what is right and ensure it is done. Then came the decision on who should head the department, after series of deliberation, there was a contentious agreement that there was no better person than the young graduate, Pharm. Triumphant Obamoh who brought the idea. That is how he emerged as the youngest Pharmacist to hold the position of Head of Department, and also the youngest Consultant to be part of the team that wrote the First Essential Drug List for the same University Hospital which rewarded him with spending the best part of his career years lodging in 5-star hotels. Certainly, every genuine repairer always earns a great destiny.
Waiting on the Lord is a necessity that cannot be neglected where a repairer’s mentality is considered. The persistent focus on praying for the Church and members, praying for leadership, praying for soul winning endeavors, engaging in service units, investing financially releases the anointing that locates the yoke, destroys the yoke and forbids the yoker from re-yoking Is 59:19. God makes the voice of fasting clearer as part of the repairer’s mentality as he enjoys continues guidance from God while on fast. And so even at a point where they seem confused on what to do, fasting takes care of it and they come out triumphant Jer. 33:3.
From time-to-time God gives the privilege of revealing what to do next in quietness, in scriptures as the King of Kings but never pressurizing. God repels pressure. Hab.2:1. A repairer who has sweet fellowship with God through heavenly vision enjoys the privilege of intimacy and close communion. God gives the picture of what the future lies through sustainable friendship with Him.
When God leads, He emboldens (Ex13:17) and clears the storm, gives divine strength and makes the repairer victorious conquering to conquer, Instituting vengeance.
The repairer’s mentality pays off big time. It is a mentality that attracts multiple rewards ordained from God. Prov. 14:23. With their stipulated willingness to service by faith 1 Cor 9:10, cheerful in service Dan. 28:27, sacrificial and tireless service Mt. 24:13 not looking unto or using any man as a standard for service, the return for a repairer’s mentality is astonishingly remarkable. The eligibility for reward of a repairer’s mentality supersedes mere imaginary compensation. Engaging in spiritual labor with a heart cry that rewards, empowers and propels the repairer into pleasurable unlimited breakthrough, Heaven on earth experience, perfection that enlists the repairer in Prosperity Power Cycle- (PPC) fortified with sound health and all-round rest. Ex23:25