The definition of worship is broad.
In a clear term, worship is to make obeisance in homage to royalty in order to express honor, devotion, or admiration with great extravagant, giving full allegiance, acknowledging and ascribing worth to someone or something. Ps. 100:1-5 It is an extreme act of love, a show of loyalty emanating from a voluntarily surrender to a Divine being, supernatural power, or object.
Worship forms the foundation of morality with the purpose of ascribing to the Lord the glory due to His name (Ps 29:2).
Shiloh Specialized Classes – (Wednesday - Friday) 1:30pm - 3:00pm
December 09, 2021ultrices aenean sociosqu fermentum elementum accumsan eleifend condimentum dictum lectus nullam vestibulum faucibus aliquam, felis quam ac vulputate consectetur auctor vestibulum urna dapibus sem cras gravida nec, hendrerit donec in et tincidunt nullam quis a consectetur lobortis tristique himenaeos. ultrices nullam bibendum hac nulla vulputate curae interdum auctor varius, hendrerit dictum tincidunt potenti donec nulla in aliquam lacus, mollis ultrices class vitae eget duis ut tristique. sapien cursus aenean consectetur tristique vitae tortor tincidunt scelerisque habitant tincidunt, porta suspendisse leo ligula accumsan turpis himenaeos litora. curabitur primis eleifend et inceptos luctus mollis ullamcorper phasellus, bibendum blandit laoreet posuere suscipit rutrum.
Answering Singles' Questions
Question 1
Why do brothers in church in spite of the command from God, for the marriage bed to be undefiled, still ask for sex during dating and courtship? (Heb. 13:4)
I have Dominion. My goods worth 7 million was stagnated in the warehouse for 5 years, on a particular Sunday, God’s servant Pastor Triumphant Obamoh asked us to get the Dominion Everywhere and Overflow Stickers. That in 14 seconds, minutes, hours and maximum 14 days, we shall be visited. I responded accordingly by buying and also placing the stickers on my warehouse door and declared as God’s servant instructed.
The next day, two trailers arrived at my warehouse and bought all my goods. Thereafter, another 12 trailers of the goods have been cleared; amazingly I am on my way to China for more goods. To God be the glory for confirming the words of His servant.