We serve a Turnaround God, we have a Turnaround Saviour. Our God turns the captivity of His children as a dream of the night. Our God specializes in turning ordinary individuals into wonders among men. God’s turnaround agenda for His children is not a once for all event but a once and again experience.
There are no ceilings on our destinies as believers. It is one encounter after another that engenders one turnaround after another.
The Word of God teaches us how to worship God which is to worship Him day and night.
A night of worship is a night of encounter, visitation, elevation, Paul and Silas understood the power of night communication with God that is why they didn't engage in the day but in the night according to
Acts 16:25-27 "And at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God and the prisoners heard them 26. and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison was shaken and immediately all the doors we opened, and every one's bands were loosed 27. And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open, drew out his word and would have killed himself supposing the prisoners had been fled".
What is in a Word?
Everything is in the Word. The beginning of creation itself is an outcome of the power in the Word. Gen 1:1. Words carry volume. Word is the basic connection that begins the power to flow. It is powerful, informational, and imperative. What we know from the Word will determine what we will show in the world. Contemplate on the Creator of the universe who considered absolutely nothing in His creation worth swearing with and had to swear by Himself Hebrew 6:13-18 orchestrating Power in the Word.
Shiloh Specialized Classes – (Wednesday - Friday) 1:30pm - 3:00pm
December 09, 2021ultrices aenean sociosqu fermentum elementum accumsan eleifend condimentum dictum lectus nullam vestibulum faucibus aliquam, felis quam ac vulputate consectetur auctor vestibulum urna dapibus sem cras gravida nec, hendrerit donec in et tincidunt nullam quis a consectetur lobortis tristique himenaeos. ultrices nullam bibendum hac nulla vulputate curae interdum auctor varius, hendrerit dictum tincidunt potenti donec nulla in aliquam lacus, mollis ultrices class vitae eget duis ut tristique. sapien cursus aenean consectetur tristique vitae tortor tincidunt scelerisque habitant tincidunt, porta suspendisse leo ligula accumsan turpis himenaeos litora. curabitur primis eleifend et inceptos luctus mollis ullamcorper phasellus, bibendum blandit laoreet posuere suscipit rutrum.